LGBTQ+ and ally adult volunteers provide LGBTQ+ youth with hope for their futures, and positive, healthy role models to look up to. Our volunteers have a major positive impact on the experience of youth in our programs, and are a core part of the youth experience at Lambert House.
Volunteer Program Overview
Lambert House engages over 100 active, long-term volunteers whose roles include staffing our drop-in center, facilitating support groups, activities, and roles supporting the organization behind the scenes through building/grounds maintenance, IT support, administrative support, marketing/PR, and others. Adult (age 23+) and youth (age 22 & younger) volunteer applications as well as youth internship applications are available at the bottom of this page.
Some volunteer positions are only available to adults age 23 & older, some positions are only available to program participants age 22 and younger, while a few are available to both groups. We have descriptions of many positions further down the page. If you have expertise in areas not addressed on this page (marketing, fundraising, website development, etc.), but which you would like to offer and feel may be of use to Lambert House, please detail your expertise and how you’d like to help in your volunteer application.
All volunteers age 23 & older who wish to work with youth in our programs are required to complete our multi-step application process, and 20-hour training program prior to beginning their volunteer role. Applications should be submitted at 1-2 two months prior to training for consideration. Applications submitted with less than 1 month before the next training will be considered on a case by case basis in regard to both staff capacity and training class size.
Our Volunteer Training will consist of two live days of training (dates below), and additional training done individually in an online platform. Our live training days will be in-person at a venue in Capitol Hill, Seattle. Making up training is generally not possible, though some exceptions may be made depending on the circumstances. If you would like to participate in one of the trainings listed below, please ensure you will be available on the in-person days, and that you can dedicate 8-10 hours for the online training.
Spring 2025 (all dates required)
Individual Online training: May 26-30
In-Person Training Day 1: Saturday, May 31
Individual Online training: June 1-6
In-Person Training Day 2: Saturday, June 7
Fall 2025 (all dates required)
Individual Online training: September 22-27
In-Person Training Day 1: Sunday, September 28
Individual Online training: September 29-October 4
In-Person Training Day 2: Sunday, October 5
Winter 2026 (February TBD)
Volunteer roles we are currently looking to fill; others may become available (position descriptions here):
Positions working directly with youth, 20-hour training program & 1-year commitment required:
Weekly Discord Server Chaperone and Adult Role Model for LGBTQ+ Youth, online remote
Tuesdays 3:45-7pm; Wednesdays 3:45-7pm; Thursdays 3:45-7pm
Weekly In-Person Drop-In Chaperone and Role Model for LGBTQ+ Youth, at Capitol Hill Drop-In Center
Mondays 3:45-7pm; Wednesdays 6:45-9:30pm; Fridays 6:45-9:30pm
Art Group 2nd & 4th Wednesday each month, on Zoom, 4:45-6:15pm (group 5-6pm)
Monthly Dinner w/Divas, purchasing and cooking dinner for LGBTQ+ Youth, at Capitol Hill Drop-In Center
2nd or 3rd Tuesday each month
Positions not working directly with youth, 1-year commitment or longer still desired, 20-hour training program is optional
Capital campaign support, previous experience in leadership on capitol campaigns for small organizations required
Ongoing social media support including Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
Volunteer Application Process
Adult (age 23+) volunteers working with youth:
Read position descriptions and think about which roles you may be interested in
Submit an application through our website, or request an MS Word application from our Administrative Assistant, Zulema Vargas, to complete and submit by mail or email
We will reach out to schedule a drop-in center tour & interview (90 minutes)
We will work with you to schedule a shadow shift in the drop-in center, designed to show you what it’s like to volunteer in our setting (2.5-3 hours)
We will contact the references you provided in your application
We will conduct a 7-year national background check, as required by the City of Seattle
We will send you an official invite to volunteer training by email. Keep training dates blocked in your calendar as long as you hope to participate - missing the training will result in a 3-month or longer delay to volunteering. Individual training days cannot be made up.*
Role & schedule may be decided upon before or during training depending on the roles you are applying for
Volunteering typically begins the week after training is completed, unless otherwise arranged
*You may decide to withdraw your application & candidacy at any time. We ask if you accept our invitation to training that you are prepared to make the 1-year commitment we ask for and follow through on that commitment to the best of your ability.
Adult (age 23+) volunteers not working with youth:
Read position descriptions and needs detailed below, and decide what roles you may be interested in, or what professional skills you want to offer.
Submit an application through our website, or request an MS Word application from our Administrative Assistant, Zulema Vargas, to complete and submit by mail or email
We will schedule a drop-in center tour & interview with a staff member (90+ minutes)
We will coordinate any other meeting(s) with volunteers or staff depending on role and skills being offered. Other orientation, training, or on-boarding as necessary depending on role.
Volunteering begins based on mutual agreement, schedule, role, etc.
Youth (age 11-22) volunteers & Interns
If you are hoping to volunteer or intern as part of an academic program or requirement, please have all paperwork explaining the requirements of placement (supervision, hours, types of projects, etc.) available to share
Read descriptions of volunteer and internship roles and think about what you might want to apply for (i.e. paid event intern, event volunteer, etc.)
Fill out an application linked at the bottom of this page, or request an MS Word application from the Program Director, Brandon Knox, to complete and submit by mail or email.
We will set up an interview/meeting to discuss the role, responsibilities, and getting started.
Volunteer Roles & Position Descriptions
Drop-In Volunteers
Volunteers help chaperone the drop-in center and are responsible for providing a safe and supportive place for LGBTQ youth. Volunteers build build healthy relationships with program participants and serve as both informal mentors, and role models for youth. Each volunteer is asked to cover a minimum of one three hour shift scheduled at the same time each week, and commit to at least one year of volunteering. Click here for full position description. The minimum age to be a drop-center volunteer is 23, or 24 if a former youth program participant.
Support & Discussion Group Facilitators
Group facilitators create a safe space in which youth can converse about life experiences and support each other. Standard Lambert House youth groups include Trans Youth Group; No Man’s Land; Boys Who Like Boys; and Art Group. Other groups may be offered based on youth interest and availability of skilled facilitators. Group facilitators should have previous group facilitation experience, and ideally previous experience working in direct service with LGBTQ youth. These are highly coveted positions, but are often not available. Volunteers may start in another role, and transition into one of these roles, at staff discretion, as positions open up. The minimum age to be a group facilitator is 23, or 24 if a former youth program participant.
Agency Support
Individuals experienced in and wishing to volunteer in fundraising, capital campaign, administrative, or other important support roles are encouraged to fill out an application as well. Individuals who are able to make a consistent commitment to 3 hours per week or more, and are able to work independently with direction from staff strongly desired. Project based volunteering also available (i.e. plan and execute one fundraising event, re-branding/graphic design project, rewiring electrical outlets & switches, etc.). Areas of need include fundraising event coordination, experienced grant writing, capital campaign committee members, marketing & public relations, and more. We are open to offers of professional skills that you think may be beneficial.
Other Skilled Roles
Help Lambert House provide for the widely varying needs of LGBTQ youth. Case Management, Counseling, Internship Coordination and others are important in supporting queer youth at a variety of developmental levels. These volunteer roles require additional experience, skill, and are not always available. Individuals interested in these roles may first start as a Drop-In Center, or Meal Provider volunteers. Please express your interest in any of the opportunities in your application so that staff may talk with you about them. The minimum age to be a group facilitator is 23, or 24 if a former youth program participant.
Individual Youth Volunteers
Lambert House is a space in which youth can develop leadership and technical skills by planning an event or activity, supporting an existing program, or creating their own! Unpaid & paid internships, school community service credit and service learning opportunities are offered. Apply below! Opportunities open to all LGBTQ and ally youth ages 11-22.
Group Volunteer Opportunities for Youth
Gay-Straight Alliances (QSA, GLOW, Rainbow Club, etc.), student leadership groups, classrooms, and other interested youth groups are welcome to volunteer at Lambert House to provide a meal, help with cleaning & organizing, do setup or cleanup for an event, and more. Contact the Program Director for more information.
Meal providers include groups (i.e. employee ERG, sports team, community group, group of friends, etc.) and individuals who purchase and prepare an evening meal on a regular schedule (ex: the first Wednesday of each month) for 20-35 Lambert House youth and other volunteers as part of our Dinner with Divas program. This program is both part of building LGBTQ youth community, and providing a stable source of healthy, nutritious food for youth who may not always have access elsewhere. Click here for full position description. This is open to adults and youth. Adult volunteers (age 23 and older) commit to at least one meal per month for a minimum of one year. Youth or student clubs wishing to provide meals should contact the Program Director regarding scheduling and commitment.
Outdoor Education & Recreation Team
Volunteers and staff collaborate to lead a robust, fun, educational, and enriching outdoor program including monthly activities such as forest hikes, rock wall climbing, urban hikes, multi-night camping, snowshoeing, kayaking, horseback riding, rafting, glisading, and more. These activities are scheduled in advance for the calendar year so youth can plan to attend - the schedule and activities are determined by the team considering team members availability and youth input. These trips happen on weekends, Saturdays or Sundays, and are usually full-day commitments. The team will negotiate in advance which members will lead each trip. We are seeking well-qualified adults age 24 or older to join this team, ideally who can make a 2-year commitment (1-year is required). Previous experience facilitating outdoor education with youth strongly desired; strong interest and experience in outdoor recreation and training in wilderness safety/first aid required. Please indicate interest and qualifications for this position in your application, and contact the Program Director if you have questions.
Maintenance Team
Lambert House is seeking volunteers to join our team of skilled maintenance volunteers with experience and qualifications in a variety of areas (plumbing, electrical, carpentry, etc.). Lambert House operates in a beautiful 1902 Victorian home with current and ongoing maintenance needs. Members of this team would work independently and/or together to accomplish projects while Lambert House is not open for youth drop-in (typically weekends, but weekday morning & early-afternoon are also possible). Ability to pick up and transport materials is very helpful – reimbursement or ordering in advance may be possible. Click here for a full position description. Please describe your skills & experience in your application.
Company or Other Group Volunteering
Lambert House is interested in developing ongoing relationships with groups that want to be a part of supporting our mission and life-saving work with LGBTQ youth. If a monthly dinner shift (described above) is not a good fit for your group, we would still love to explore ways to engage and have an ongoing partnership. Groups complete maintenance projects, create and execute fundraisers, and help at youth events or fundraisers benefiting Lambert House. If your group is interested in building a relationship with Lambert House, please reach out to our Program Director.
Employer Matching for Volunteer Time
Some employers match volunteer time with a financial contribution to the agency. Please check with your supervisor or benefits officer to see if they have such a program and log your hours regularly if they do. Learn more about giving to Lambert House here.
“Lambert House offers invaluable services to local youth – I wish a place like this had existed when I was young. So many of my dear friends would have benefited from a safe, supportive place like this.”